In The Beginning
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

In The Beginning

To accomplish goals, we must first know why a problem exists in the first place. It can seem complicated, but it is quite simple. The root to every single problem in our fallen world is this: BROKEN relationships

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People Pleasing Is Not A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

People Pleasing Is Not A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit

People pleasing can be a trauma response AND a protective mechanism. In fact, recent literature on the topic of trauma has included it in describing what can occur in the brain’s response to a perceived threat: we either fight, flight, freeze or people please.

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What is EMDR?
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

What is EMDR?

Typically, when an event occurs, the brain processes it, stores in the memory bank and moves on. But when a traumatic event happens, if we don’t have the proper tools, healthy caregivers or support, trauma gets stuck.

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What Is Hidden, Can Not Heal
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

What Is Hidden, Can Not Heal

Our human nature causes us to hide when we have done something wrong (sinned) or something wrong has been done to us (sinned against).

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Does Your Past Impact Your Health?
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Does Your Past Impact Your Health?

Can your past impact your physical health?

In short. It absolutely can.

In a little longer explanation, here is why:

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Steward Yourself Well
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Steward Yourself Well

If you are suffering, it does NOT mean you are not praying enough, going to church enough, or being “good enough”. God loves you and you do not earn His unending, unfailing, unconditional love. He gives it freely.

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Praise For Feelings
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Praise For Feelings

To accomplish goals, we must first know why a problem exists in the first place. It can seem complicated, but it is quite simple. The root to every single problem in our fallen world is this: BROKEN relationships

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Connect and Recollect: Integrated Brain Tip #3
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Connect and Recollect: Integrated Brain Tip #3

We are designed for story telling and making meaning of our experiences. This is especially true for children. When a tough situation comes along (maybe an upsetting or scary event), it can become a confused jumbled mess in our brain.

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Give Thanks Before You Tank: Integrated Brain Tip #2
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Give Thanks Before You Tank: Integrated Brain Tip #2

Our brains are wired to look for the negative. It is easy to do. Once we start looking for it, our brain will find it. And the more we find the it, the more we focus on it and the more of it we will find.

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Feel It To Heal It: Integrated Brain Tip #1
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Feel It To Heal It: Integrated Brain Tip #1

Another way to integrate the brain and body is after you have named the emotion, it is time to really FEEL it.

Where is it located at in your body? In your neck? Shoulders? Feet?

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Name It To Tame It: Integrating The Brain
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Name It To Tame It: Integrating The Brain

The key to true mental health is integration- an integrated brain and body. This is the opposite of living compartmentalized or fragmented as the world desires us to or as trauma (sin) can cause us to do.

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Why Go Back?
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Why Go Back?

A question I get a lot is...Why go back to the past? Followed with...I cannot change it so what's the use?

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Trauma: Anything That Is Not Nurturing
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Trauma: Anything That Is Not Nurturing

So how does it impact us? To uncover this, we need to start at the beginning-at the time of conception until birth. In the beginning, we connect. Connection has two sides; what I like to call, the Beauty and the Beast.

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Trauma Is….
Lasting Peace Counseling Lasting Peace Counseling

Trauma Is….

If you have a heartbeat, you have experienced trauma in some way or will. Its impact on you depends deeply on how solid your foundation is; are you built on sand or rock? In the posts to come, I will share with you exactly what this all means.

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