Does Your Past Impact Your Health?

Can your past impact your physical health?

In short. It absolutely can.

In a little longer here is why:

If you grew up in an environment that was chaotic, unpredictable or unloving, your brain and body will wire based on those circumstances. The same can be true if you have experienced just one traumatic event that left you feeling "off" with no one to help you process through it.

These types of events release stress hormones in your body causing the heart to race, and can even shut off the digestive and reproductive system. So where does this leave your health? It leaves your brain continuously fighting off a threat that is no longer there, stressing the body out and leaving it depleted of resources it needs to fight off infection and disease.

Some physical symptoms of unresolved trauma can be:

Autoimmune diseases

Heart Disease


Weakened immune system

High blood pressure

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Painful or irregular menstrual cycles

Because of the grace of God, you can heal from these things through union with Him, trauma informed therapy, and nutrition.

If you are ready to get past your past, book a 30 minute consultation. Link to schedule is in the comments.


What Is Hidden, Can Not Heal


Steward Yourself Well