What Is Hidden, Can Not Heal

Our human nature causes us to hide when we have done something wrong (sinned) or something wrong has been done to us (sinned against).

It all started in the beginning when Adam and Eve hid from God after they disobeyed Him. It continued as Jacob ran away from home after tricking his father into blessing him instead of his brother.

There are many other examples of this, but all ended the same. They were found out and had to face the consequences. The cost of living with the pain of hiding causes so much grief. Guilt and shame breed in the dark.

Trauma is JUST like this. The residue sticks to us as we try to hide it, shove it down and hope no one sees it. We might cover it up with leadership skills, overworking, or putting on a pretty face, but it will always leak over into our relationships, our reactions and into our very heart.

This is why God instructs us to bring our pain into the light. It does not matter how deep, how old and how shameful it is, inner healing and deliverance exists IN the light.

Today I encourage you to look inside and ask the Lord what it is you are hiding from or avoiding confronting. Then take it a step further and seek a safe and trusted person to expose it to. Sometimes, the only safe place is a counseling room and if that is your situation, we have resources for you.


What is EMDR?


Does Your Past Impact Your Health?