Feel It To Heal It: Integrated Brain Tip #1

Another way to integrate the brain and body is after you have named the emotion, it is time to really FEEL it.

Where is it located at in your body? In your neck? Shoulders? Feet?

On a scale from 0-10 (0 being completely at peace, and 10 being unbearable) how high is it? *TIP if you have reached a 5, it means you have been ignoring your body's signals for quite some time.

Finally, what does this feeling need from you to bring it comfort? It can be simple.. like a drink of water or a snack. Maybe you just need to go to the bathroom or need a hug. Sounds silly, but you would be surprised how many of us ignore these simple needs which drive our nervous system through the roof causing anxiety, edginess, or irritability.


Give Thanks Before You Tank: Integrated Brain Tip #2


Name It To Tame It: Integrating The Brain