Connect and Recollect: Integrated Brain Tip #3

Have you ever noticed after a bad day, sometimes the best way to get some relief is just to vent to a trusted person? Let it all out...

We are designed for story telling and making meaning of our experiences. This is especially true for children. When a tough situation comes along (maybe an upsetting or scary event), it can become a confused jumbled mess in our brain. Once we start talking out loud about it, especially with a trusted person, we begin to make sense of what happened.

As children, if they do not have a trusted healthy adult to help them tell their stories, their child brain will attempt to make sense of the situation by itself (*hint- this can be dangerous because children's brains are not fully developed until they are about 25. They NEED our wisdom to shepard them through these vulnerable years. Otherwise they are at risk of coming to their own conclusions may begin instilling false belief systems about themselves...For ex. I am bad, I caused this to happen etc.)

Homework for today (if you so choose)

Make a list of three trusted people you can talk to when you are struggling

If you are a parent-encourage your children to talk about their tough days with you. See what conclusions they have come up with about themselves. Correct if needed.


Praise For Feelings


Give Thanks Before You Tank: Integrated Brain Tip #2