In The Beginning

Many goals in the counseling room surround "fixing problems"; problems with family, children’s behaviors, addictions, work place conflict, pain etc.

To accomplish goals, we must first know why a problem exists in the first place. It can seem complicated, but it is quite simple. The root to every single problem in our fallen world is this: BROKEN relationships.

And the solution to every single problem is also quite simple (in theory): HEALED relationships.

The biggest threat to Satan is a relationship with God. So, his first order of business was (and still is) to break the relationship between God and His children. He started with Adam and Eve and it has been a trickle down effect ever since.

It might seem overwhelming and even impossible to begin to heal all the relationships in your life. Where do we begin? Love. It begins and ends with love.

We are called to LOVE first, because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Maybe it is love for your broken heart, or love towards the ones who have hurt you. Maybe it is a healed relationship between you and your creator. Whatever it is, love and healed relationships are the answer, every time.

Where are the spaces in your life that love needs to be invited in?


Open Your Eyes Part 2- Guest Jessie Thompson || Renew Your Mind Podcast