Trauma Is….

Trauma is a part of the human condition. If you have a heartbeat, you have experienced trauma in some way or will. Its impact on you depends deeply on how solid your foundation is; are you built on sand or rock? In the posts to come, I will share with you exactly what this all means.

Over the course of several weeks, I will be laying out ways trauma can impact our mental, physical, relational and spiritual health and provide simple tools you can use to begin healing.

Today, we begin with..

What is trauma anyway? Put simply, it is ANYthing that is not nurturing. It is relative..meaning everyone's experience of trauma is different. What is traumatizing to me, might not be necessarily traumatizing to you. It depends on our early attachment experiences, our environment, our spiritual grounding or lack thereof and our wiring. I hope this definition sheds light on how we can often minimize our own or other's trauma.

Trauma is the fallout of sin, of our brokenness. But our God is so gracious, so loving and merciful, that He has equipped us with everything we need to be restored.

All reactions:

10You, Amie Whittington, Adriana Ruiz and 7 others


Trauma: Anything That Is Not Nurturing