Trauma: Anything That Is Not Nurturing

Trauma-Anything that is not nurturing.

So how does it impact us? To uncover this, we need to start at the beginning-at the time of conception until birth. In the beginning, we connect. Connection has two sides; what I like to call, the Beauty and the Beast.

Post #2

For the next few days we will look at the Beauty. What human connection should be like, the ideal.

In the beginning, things are perfect. The baby is housed in the right temperature with perfect dim lighting, the baby has food on demand, and knows nothing but the gentle beats of mother's heartbeat and the sound of her voice. This home and its sounds, tastes, smells, feelings, sights is familiar. The baby is safe, comforted and nourished (sounds an awful like the Garden of Eden doesn't it?).

But after 40 weeks or so, things change. What is next?


Nurturing and Why It Is Important


Trauma Is….