Why Go Back?

A question I get a lot is...Why go back to the past? Followed with...I cannot change it so what's the use?

Let's start with the first question:

Our brains wire based on our environments. The most pivotal time of brain development is from birth to age 3. Our early experiences (especially in those most vulnerable ages) shape our brains into believing we are either safe, cared for and loved, or unsafe, neglected and forgotten. For example, if your environment growing up was unsafe, unpredictable and chaotic (think living with caregivers who abuse substances, engage in violence, or have severe mental health concerns) your brain will wire to believe that it needs to constantly stay on guard to protect you from danger.

These experiences then shape our belief system and feed into our sense of self (who we are). These beliefs drive our actions and behaviors (what we do, how we cope, who we are in relationship with) TODAY and in the future.

Next Question:

While yes, you cannot change your past or what has happened to you, you can certainly change the way it impacts you. You can change the belief system you have and how you respond as a result. Neuroscience shows us we can actually "rewire" our brains by simple activities (like therapy! And meditating on scripture to name a few). This just shows the grace of our God, He has the ability to heal us from the inside out (sometimes through others, sometimes with the tools he provides right in front of us), no matter WHERE or WHO we are coming from.


Name It To Tame It: Integrating The Brain


Nurturing and Why It Is Important